Queen is an upcoming Bollywood film by Viacom18 Motion Pictures & Phantom Films. Directed by Vikas Bahl, the film stars Kangana Ranaut, Lisa Haydon and Rajkummar Rao in lead roles. Other roles are played by Mish Boyko, Jeffrey Chee Eng Ho, Marco Canadea and Guithob Joseph. The film’s story is about a small-town Indian girl, who decides to go on her honeymoon alone. Amit Trivedi has scored the film’s music for the lyrics by Anvita Dutt. The film premiered at Busan Film Festival in October 2013. The film’s scheduled release date, 7th March 2014,is rumored to have been strategically decided, coinciding with Women’s Day on 8th March.
Queen Official Trailer
Kangana Ranaut